Monday, November 16, 2009

Left Arm Syndrome

So I know Jason Lee briefly discussed this in Mallrats, but I think it's important to revisit the human tragedy I've dubbed "Left Arm Syndrome." This uncomfortable, but benign condition only arises the morning after when trying to spoon. When laying on your left side, junk pushed up against her, a man's left arm has no where to go. Lee's assessment highlights three possible positions.

1: Your arm jammed in between your bodies.
2: Your arm shooting straight up above your head.
3: Your arm wrapped around her shoulder.
4: Your arm straight out ahead of you cradling her head in the crevice of your elbow.

1: Very awkward to have an arm jammed into her back
2: Causes shoulder pain after a short while
3: The lesser evil, but eventually causes numbness and inability to fall back asleep
4: Eventually leads to numbness of the forearm, hand, and fingers

I have spent years trying to remedy this devastating affliction. Unfortunately, I am neither a medical researcher nor an expert in the field of left arm dynamics. If anyone has a solution, please comment below.