Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's Been A While

I've been having trouble lately staying focussed. The problem, I think, is that focus on any particular thing or idea is futile, because everything is always changing. I've tried to live for a few days at a time without focussing on anything...literally closing my mind to the possibility that anything or a piece of knowledge can truly be revealed if studied intently. But that is very unsatisfying. Focussing on nothing is equally difficult, but not impossible. I just don't have the patience or the energy to dive into a project like that right now. I guess normal is really just the inability to definitively know anything. Maybe it is some secluded part of the human brain, yearning for stimulation, that makes it possible to accept nothing at face value.


  1. Have you tried reading some books on zen and meditating? I run into the same problems and it helps me step out of the day for a few minutes and realign myself.

  2. I have not. But maybe I'll look into it. I also recently got my hands on a book called "Readings in the Philosophy of Technology." I've only read a few pages, but I'm hoping it could help my mind straighten out some of the crazy shit in the modern world. I'll let you know if it's any good and you could borrow it when I'm done.

  3. So I recently read 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintence' and the main charecter's alter ego seems to experience the same problem: hypotheses breed hypotheses, everything is constantly changing--but what does not change is the mechanic, the 'ghosts' which follow us, laws of nature et al--the things we take for granted, the machine. Perhaps focusing on the static for a while will breed more insight into the change?

  4. Hmm...interesting. I'll give it a shot. I think part of the problem is that I read White Noise by Don Delillo earlier in the summer, and that book is just filled with little quips about the problems with society and the human psyche. O well. It's a great read...I recommend it.
